When visiting a new cafe, your biggest fear is that you will arrive to find it empty and waiting for its soul to arrive, but when we stepped into the newly opened Cafe Noir in Savigné (86), we were delighted to find this establishment has already found its feet and is thriving.

With staff bustling to meet demand for its Western style offering, several groups of mixed nationalities were gathered around tables for a gossip, when we walked in, and there was a lively hubbub about the place. The convivial atmosphere stayed that way for our entire visit, which extended to several hours. It was a lovely place to spend a late morning, and you could happily journal or write a novel there over time.
Located on a corner lot at the heart of the town, and overlooking the pristine church embraced by gentle, ancient buildings, the cafe has been patronised by expats and French alike from the start, who all clearly relish its coffees akin to those served by Starbucks, but so much better because they are made to your specification and with real love by its owners.
The cafe was the dream child of Maria Raphael, who after a foray into web design, yearned to return to her roots in catering and hospitality, where she previously enjoyed a long career. Aided by her husband, a wood-working and floor sanding specialist, and their bilingual children, Emilie, Hannah, Alex, Rebekah, and Lucie (5), the cafe is a family affair. Its benevolent vibe attracts all age groups: no sooner had one group departed, than a trendy young couple arrived for an espresso fix, and duly ensconced themselves in the corner.
Opting for a speculoos latte for me – if you have not tried this, you have not lived – and a hazelnut latte for 'him indoors', the menu offers freshly ground coffees, 'grand hot chocolat', snacks and cakes, including gluten-free, vegan and low sugar versions. Anglophiles and expats alike will also be delighted to order the British staple of bacon butties (!) with ketchup or HP sauce, and scones – something we hadn't eaten in over a year.

A big hit - courgette and lime cupcakes; the courgette adds plenty of body, and the lime elevates the cupcake to a proud little beauty.
Those with a sweet tooth will be more than satisfied with the carrot cake, the chocolate brownies, and what I can only describe as a heroic lemon drizzle cake with a staggering hit of citrus – made by Maria and definitely my kind of cake. The fruit scone boasted a sugary glaze, something new to me on a scone, but which I loved.
With a function room offering French classes just off the serving area, also bookable for other events, and a formal opening planned with the mairie for September, the cafe is already held in high regard by locals, and Benjamin tells me that a neighbour recently gifted him the sepia photographs which are proudly displayed on the walls, and which show the premises as it was as far back as 1920, see the photograph. The man in the picture visited the cafe recently and mentioned he had been born in the building in 1907. The cafe also functions as a display area for Benjamin's hand-turned wooden bowls, platters and sculptures – ideal gifts – and there are also tables of books for a bookswap.
If you're looking for a destination stop-off, the drive is pretty, and the cafe itself will more than tick all the boxes for ambience, friendly service and value for money. What are you waiting for?....
Café Noir, 2 Grand Rue, 86400 Savigné, info@lecafénoir.fr, tel 09 88 56 64 00.
Update: on attending recently - the start of 2023 - we enjoyed a range of cupcakes this time, and both they and the hot lattes did not disappoint. The owner tells me that French ladies are quite strict with their meals, and so will not often eat a big piece of cake, but he has found that they like to partake of a dainty cupcake and so the uptake of this new range, see below, has been an especially big hit with locals. It is also nice to see a cafe being 'owned' by the local community as much as this one is - a veritable hub for local life. Why not make your way over there and see for yourself?

From popular standards like chocolate, caramel and citrus, cupcakes alwauys hit the spot. At Café Noir new flavours are introduced all the time, even at the suggestion
of customers. Do you have a favourite?
Please note that the views expressed here are exclusively mine. I do not accept payments or gifts for writing reviews and pay for my own food and drink while there. If you wish me to review your establishment, contact me on ingrid.burling@mac.com to book a date. Reviews are posted to my groups on Facebook and will, in due course, also appear on other social media forums. Contact me to see my review terms.